Nicholas Kelly
MA, FRICS, MCIfA, IHBC, RICS Certified Historic Building Professional
Nick draws on 30 years’ experience in the construction industry across the commercial & charitable sectors, the latter 12 specialising in the historic environment. An experienced Chartered Surveyor, registered as a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Nick holds additional conservation qualifications as an RICS Certified Historic Building Professional, as a Full Member of the Institute for Historic Building Conservation, and as a Full Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, in addition to Natural England Licensing to Level 2 for Bat surveys.
That experience has included the project management, design & delivery of heritage repair, re-servicing, rehabilitation, restoration & interpretation schemes , from £5K to £4.5M, to historic & listed buildings and scheduled monuments within Conservation Areas, Registered Parks & Gardens, AONB's & World Heritage Sites, across the domestic, holiday, religious, commercial, industrial, transport, educational & tourism sectors, balancing the sensitive and often conflicting conservation, commercial and operational needs, all within quality, budget, programme, safety & service targets.